中国科学技术大学特任教授,博士生导师。2014年获中国科学技术大学光学博士学位,2015-2021任职于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学学应用物理系(Postdoc)。2021年至今工作于中国科大光学与光学工程系。主要从事光学测量、光与物质相互作用、纳米光学等领域的研究工作;以第一或通讯作者在Physical Review Letters, Physical Review Applied, Optics Letters, Optics Express等期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇,主持、参与多项国家级以及欧盟研究项目。
1. Zheng Xi*, Sander Konijnenberg, and H. P. Urbach Information efficient metagrating for transverse position metrology Physical Review Applied 14, 014026 (2020)
2. Zheng Xi*, H. P. Urbach, Retrieving the size of deep-subwavelength objects via tunable optical spin-orbit coupling Physical Review Letters 120 (25), 253901 (2018)
3. Zheng Xi*, H. P. Urbach, Magnetic dipole scattering from metallic nanowire for ultrasensitive deflection sensing Physical Review Letters 119, 053902 (2017)
4. Zheng Xi*, Lei Wei, Aurele Adam, Paul Urbach, Luping Du, Accurate Feeding of Nanoantenna by Singular Optics for Nanoscale Translational and Rotational Displacement Sensing Physical Review Letters 117 (11), 113903 (2016)
5. Zhongsheng Man#, Zheng Xi#, Xiaocong Yuan*, R. E. Burge, and H. Paul Urbach* Dual Coaxial Longitudinal Polarization Vortex Structures Physical Review Letter 124, 103901 (2020)
6. Tianyang Zang, Haofeng Zang, Zheng Xi, Jing Du, Han Wang, Yonghua Lu*, and Pei Wang* Asymmetric excitation of surface plasmon polariton via paired slot antennas for Angstrom displacement sensing Physical Review Letter 124, 243901 (2020)
7. Lei Wei*, Zheng Xi, N Bhattacharya, HP Urbach Excitation of the radiationless anapole mode Optica 3 (8), 799-802 (2016)